Samuel Kirk Mills, EdD
Samuel Kirk Mills, EdD, has been engaged in Christian ministry for more than 40 years. He studied at Moody Bible Institute and was a Billy Graham Scholar at the Wheaton Graduate School, where he earned a Master of Arts degree in educational ministries. He went on to earn a doctoral degree in education from Northern Illinois University. An astute teacher and speaker in the foundations of church ministry, he is passionate about helping ministers and pastors optimize the spiritual and financial vitality of their churches.

How Church Ministers Can Bolster the Practice of Tithing with Their Congregation and Optimize the Spiritual Health and the Financial Vitality of their Local Church.
Tithing! The word alone can stir up division, disharmony, dispute, disparity, and never-ending controversy, just to name a few. Have we enhanced the optimization of giving through tithing in the local church? Have we taught the concept of tithing in such a way that it is an affront to God? Does our giving through tithing show that our love is sincere toward God?
As you ponder on these questions, I encourage you even more to dive into the realities found within this book. There is revelation to be had, wisdom to be gained, understanding to be opened, and knowledge to be discovered within this curricular approach to church tithing.

A Programmatic Interlock of Teaching, Communicating, and the Practicing of Tithing, for Creating a God-Focused-Relationship Driven Culture of Church Tithing – Optimizing the Spiritual and the Financial Vitality of the Local Church.
The Teaching, Communicating, and the Practicing (TCP) of Church Tithing: A Pastors Program Kit is designed to provide Church Ministers a combined Teaching – instructional outlines and notes, Communication programmed messages (tithing tips), and a Practicum guide (the Tithing to Grow in Christ Devotional Workshop, and the Liturgical Practice of Church Tithing), to engage in a robust comprehensive education and practice of Church tithing to achieve with their congregation, the spiritual and the sacred nature of Church tithing and their outcomes for growth in their Christian faith that God instituted with the tithing of Abraham.